ISSN :2582-9793

Brain is Processing Information: Then, Why Research into Human Brain Disorders So Firmly Avoids Information Processing Modeling?

Perspective (Published On: 31-Dec-2022 )
Brain is Processing Information: Then, Why Research into Human Brain Disorders So Firmly Avoids Information Processing Modeling?
DOI : 10.54364/AAIML.2022.1142

Emanuel Diamant

Adv. Artif. Intell. Mach. Learn., 2 (4):614-619

Emanuel Diamant : Retired Research Engineer

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DOI: 10.54364/AAIML.2022.1142

Article History: Received on: 17-Dec-22, Accepted on: 24-Dec-22, Published on: 31-Dec-22

Corresponding Author: Emanuel Diamant


Citation: Emanuel Diamant (2022). Brain is Processing Information: Then, Why Research into Human Brain Disorders So Firmly Avoids Information Processing Modeling?. Adv. Artif. Intell. Mach. Learn., 2 (4 ):614-619




Brain disorders is a rapidly growing global health problem that affects millions of people around the world. To date, however, no effective problem treatment is available because the efforts are directed not at the possible roots of disorders (which are still unknown) but only on the disorders’ symptoms.

In my presentation I decisively discard this practice and propose an approach that is heavily supported by insights about brain’s information processing ability.

To successfully proceed with this approach, I introduce a previously unknown notion of “what is information”. Consequently, emerge the understanding that in biological systems information is reified as text strings written with nucleotide letters and aminoacid signs. This makes information a physical entity with distinctive physical properties (length, weight, structure).

Consequently, brain information processing is regarded as a chain of interconnected neurons (neuron network) with information flowing (communicated) between successive network stages.

In the course of information processing only part of the processed information is advanced within the network. The remaining (not used) part of the information must be destroyed, demolished and led out from the neuron for further recycling and utilization.

The nature has provided the brain with genetical mechanisms for such “information waste” processing and utilization. But over the time and especially in course of human aging such mechanisms become damaged and dysfunctional. Consequently, neurons clogged with the “information waste” become damaged and dysfunctional. And the brain disorders mounting.

“Genetical engineering” is a well-known remedy and the answer to the neuronal disorders expansion. 


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