Xiangyu Shi and Yunlong Liang
Adv. Artif. Intell. Mach. Learn., 4 (1):1943-1958
Xiangyu Shi : BeiJing JiaoTong University
Yunlong Liang : BeiJing JiaoTong University
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54364/AAIML.2024.41111
Article History: Received on: 21-Dec-23, Accepted on: 09-Feb-24, Published on: 16-Feb-24
Corresponding Author: Xiangyu Shi
Email: 22120416@gmail.com
Citation: Xiangyu Shi, Yunlong Liang, Jinan Xu, Yufeng Chen (2024). Towards Faster k-Nearest-Neighbor Machine Translation. Adv. Artif. Intell. Mach. Learn., 4 (1 ):1943-1958
Recent works have proven the effectiveness of k-nearest- neighbor machine translation(a.k.a kNN-MT) approaches to produce remarkable improvement in cross-domain transla- tions. However, these models suffer from heavy retrieve over- head on the entire datastore when decoding each token. We observe that during the decoding phase, about 67% to 84% of tokens are unvaried after searching over the corpus datas- tore, which means most of the tokens cause futile retrievals and introduce unnecessary computational costs by initiating k-nearest-neighbor searches. We consider this phenomenon is explainable in linguistics and propose a simple yet effec- tive multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network to predict whether a token should be translated jointly by the neural machine translation model and probabilities produced by the kNN or just by the neural model. The results show that our method succeeds in reducing redundant retrieval operations and sig- nificantly reduces the overhead of kNN retrievals by up to 53% at the expense of a slight decline in translation quality. Moreover, our method could work together with all existing kNN-MT systems.